Leading Emergency Dentistry in Mt. Vernon, WA

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, call our office immediately! Our dentist provides emergency dental care to treat injuries and other unexpected problems so that you can get your oral health back on track as quickly as possible.

In the past, if you had a tooth with a diseased nerve, you’d probably lose that tooth. Now, with “root canal therapy,” your tooth can be saved. When a tooth is cracked or has a deep cavity, bacteria can enter the pulp tissue and germs can cause an infection inside the tooth. If left untreated, an abscess may form. If the infected tissue is not removed, pain and swelling can result. This can injure your jawbones and be harmful to your overall health.

Root canal therapy involves one to three visits. During treatment, your general dentist or endodontist removes the affected tissue. Next, the interior of the tooth will be cleaned and sealed. Finally, the tooth is filled with a dental composite. If your tooth has extensive decay, your dentist may suggest placing a crown to strengthen and protect the tooth from breaking. As long as you continue to care for your teeth and gums with regular brushing, flossing, and checkups, your restored tooth can last a lifetime.

What is root canal procedure?

Tooth decay can progress down into the pulp. When this happens, the pulp can become infected. Infection of the pulp can be very painful and can also deteriorate into an abscessed tooth when infection and swelling develops in the tissues around or beneath the tooth. When the pulp becomes infected or the tooth becomes abscessed, it is necessary to perform a root canal.

Why do I feel pain?

When the pulp becomes infected due to a deep cavity or fracture, bacteria can seep in. When there has been an injury due to trauma, the pulp can die. Damaged or dead pulp causes increased blood flow, pressure, and cellular activity. Pain in the tooth is commonly felt when biting down or chewing, and eating or drinking hot and/or cold foods and beverages.

Why do I need root canal therapy?

The tooth will not heal by itself. Without treatment, the infection will spread. The bone around the tooth will begin to degenerate, and the tooth may fall out. Pain usually worsens until one is forced to seek emergency dental attention. The only alternative is extraction of the tooth, which can cause the surrounding teeth to shift, resulting in a bad bite. Though an extraction is cheaper, the space left behind will require an implant or a bridge, which can be more expensive than root canal therapy. If you have the choice, it’s always best to keep your original teeth.

What are the risks and complications with root canal therapy?

More than 95 percent of root canal therapies are successful. However, sometimes a case needs to be redone due to diseased canal offshoots that went undetected, or the fracturing of the canal filling. More commonly, a root canal therapy will fail altogether, marked by the return of pain.

What happens after root canal therapy

Once root canal therapy is completed, the endodontist will refer the patient back to our office for the permanent restoration on the tooth. A temporary filling was placed immediately following the root canal therapy and will need to be replaced with a permanent filling or crown and build up. A crown will be necessary on all posterior teeth to properly protect the root canal-treated tooth from fracturing. Front teeth can typically be restored with a filling, however a crown may be necessary in some cases. Your dentist will determine the best choice for your individual needs.

How long will the restored tooth last?

Your restored tooth could last a lifetime, if you continue to care for your teeth and gums. However, regular checkups are necessary. As long as the root(s) of a treated tooth are nourished by the tissues around it, your tooth will remain healthy.

How does root canal therapy save my tooth?

  • An opening is made through the crown of the tooth into the pulp chamber.
  • The pulp is removed, and the root canals are cleaned, enlarged and shaped.
  • Medications may be put in the pulp chamber and root canal(s) to help get rid of germs and prevent infection.
  • A temporary filling will be placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth between dental visits. Your dentist may leave the tooth open for a few days to drain. You might also be given medicine to help control infection that may have spread beyond the tooth.
  • The temporary filling is removed and the pulp chamber and root canal(s) are cleaned and filled.
  • In the final step, a gold or porcelain crown is usually placed over the tooth.

Like you, we are not excited about extractions, but sometimes there’s no other option. In our office, we do our fair share of extracting teeth, but if we feel you’d be better served in the hands of an oral surgeon, then we’ll refer you to them.

Our understanding of an extraction and the quality of a good extraction has changed over the years. We are now making a concerted effort to “preserve” the bone socket by inserting either bone-grafting material (freeze-dried bone) or PRP, or PRF (your own blood products) to facilitate better healing and bone volume. The purpose of bone is to hold teeth in place. When a tooth is extracted, the bone no longer has its purpose and, in many cases, the bone atrophies (shrinks).

Why is this important? Suppose you want an implant. The bone that fills in the extraction socket needs to be a good, dense quality in order to support the implant and all the loading forces of the crown that is secured to the implant. Poor bone volume or quality increases the risk of poor implant success. Also, rebuilding bone in an extraction socket helps support the tooth next to the hole we’ve just created.

Otherwise, that tooth will be compromised and experience bone loss too. Say you want a bridge. The shape of that area in preventing food from collecting in this area is minimized with well-shaped socket preservation. And let’s talk about facial esthetics. Sunken-in bone sockets can translate that shape to the lips and cheek. So all in all, there are better outcomes when we can preserve the extraction socket.